Co-Creating the Future
My master's thesis addresses the following research question: "How can Visual Narratives be used to facilitate co-creation of knowledge processes between Stakeholders in the Field of Agroecology?"
Interviews and a co-creation workshop were conducted with experts with co-creating experience as well as from the field of agroecology.
​The findings indicate that visual narratives could help bridge gaps between actors by serving as a tool for imagining future visions, making ideas more concrete, breaking down language barriers and involving non-human actors.

Envisioning Future Death Care Practices in Switzerland
In the context of my master's in Circular Innovation and Sustainability at the Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) I wrote and illustrated a report on post death practices such as funeral rituals and burial methods in relation to sustainability. The insights for this projects were gained through literature analysis, interviews with stakeholders from the industry and a focus group I organized.
Your Project?
In the future I want to work on meaningful projects in the field of sustainability and storytelling. Need some visuals for your company that is part of the transition or you want to showcase your scientific results or tell a story that shows a possible future scenario. If you have a project you would like to collaborate on, contact me :)